Love Stories

My relationship with Emily was written in the stars! I met her 10 years ago when we were both married to our exes from Texas. There was something so magnetic about this radiant, open-hearted woman and I *knew* my life would never be the same after meeting her. I was seeking guidance and she was the gentle glow of a lighthouse in a sea of self-help strobe lights. She changed the whole trajectory of my life in the most profound ways and I am grateful for her every day!
Over the coming years as friends and housemates, I got to experience Emily’s magic firsthand, seeing the ways she navigated every aspect of life, having the courage to trust her intuition at every step. I saw her creating the life of her dreams with an aligned, beloved partner and healthy, growing family. And as much as I wanted those things for myself, I doubted that I was deserving, which resulted in relationships that reflected my insecurities and pain.
As I was ending a challenging relationship last year, I reached out to Emily not only as my friend and big sis, but as my official coach. Just 4 months later I met an amazing man… 2 months later we moved in together, 2 months after that we started the wellness business of our dreams together… and 2 months after that, we got married!
I sometimes still can’t believe it’s all real! That I called in a beautifully aligned, devoted partner at 38. While my previous relationship may have looked amazing from the outside, it was a far cry from the true partnership that my heart desired. Emily helped me see the beauty and magic that I admired in her — in myself.
We all know you have to do the work it takes to create the life you want. While nobody can do it for you, it is invaluable to have a coach like Emily – wise teacher, intuitive guide, and enthusiastic cheerleader.
-Claire, Fashion Marketing Exec, Philadelphia, Age 30
Before I met Emily, I had spent the majority of my twenties lonely…but rarely alone. It didn’t seem to be a problem, dating guys, creating mountains out of mole hills over one line text messages, convincing myself that I was ok with casual relationships because I was climbing the corporate ladder, going out with my girls and convinced that the way to make everyone happy (including myself) was to create a world that looked perfect. But the reality was that I didn’t feel good. I felt exhausted, powerless and longing for meaningful connection. I heard Emily on my favorite podcast and knew I had to meet her. I took an out of character leap and signed up for her Mermaid Sisterhood Retreat. In 6 days, I started to awaken to the truth of who I am, start to see there is more and I am more. Inspired to continue, I began one-on-one coaching with Emily where received truly uncommon wisdom that shifted my perspective on who I am at my core, which totally shifted the men who were interested in me. Suddenly I was a magnet for interested, interesting, handsome, guys who weren’t even on my radar as possibilities before. These men were in pursuit of me. No more translating text messages or wishing for an invite to this or that. It was fun! It was exciting! And then I met my partner. After a year together, I’m currently in the most open-minded, heartwarming, loving, exciting relationship with a man I still pinch myself for attracting, with Emily’s guidance. Emily took everything I knew about relationships and flipped it on its head. I’m happy to report that life is more beautiful than I imagined and being in love like this has opened my heart to endless possibilities for myself, my love and my relationship.”
Danielle, Emergency Room Doctor, Dallas, Age 37
I started working with Emily a little less than a year ago. At that time, I was heartbroken, hanging onto the past and having anxiety about the future. Emily introduced me to a whole new way of being. I started slowly allowing myself to be the beginner by taking art classes and playing the piano. This led to other experiences including taking a solo trip to Italy and having the time of my life on my own. Although my desire for a partner and their love was what led me to her program, what I found was self-love and tangible tools accountability to help me see the beauty of my own soul and what is possible for me to create in my future. Right before our coaching concluded I did start dating again. At this point I was much more grounded in my own worth. This was when I met my current boyfriend and 6 months later our relationship continues to grow into the most beautiful, authentic, romantic relationship I have even been a part of. Emily has valuable wisdom to share and I am so grateful I was able to receive it!
– Kate, Nurse, Denver, Age 40
I was at crossroads in my life, an extremely low point for me. I had tried a lot of things- counseling, self-help books, etc. Emily has introduced me to a whole new path and it’s so simple and makes so much sense I don’t know why I never discovered it before. But I needed guidance and a teacher and Emily has provided that and more. Since working with Emily, my life has changed dramatically in ways I never thought possible. And it’s nothing gimmicky or outlandish. Everything about my journey has always been there within me, and Emily has simply been my teacher/guide/coach, and helped me see the things that were possible for me to create on my own.
When I first starting working with Emily, I had been through countless heartbreaks and rejections. I didn’t know how to get what I wanted out of life, and was depressed and anxious that I was single and childless in my late thirties. I started working with Emily because it just felt right to me. I honestly wasn’t sure what it would be like but I trusted my intuition and I’m so glad I did. After working with Emily for a few months, I went on her retreat in Costa Rica and it is no understatement to say the retreat completely was a huge turning point. It brought together everything I had learned, and it opened my eyes to all the life possibilities that lay before me. I suddenly had access to a whole new set of “tools”.
Fast forward to today, just under a year later… I am way more confident being my authentic self, I am more comfortable doing things outside of my comfort zone, my self-worth has skyrocketed, and after thinking about moving out west for the past several years, I finally did it. I began dating again after a very long hiatus (I knew I had to do the inner work before I could put myself out there again to be a good partner to someone). I have since met an amazing man who just a year ago I would have said “didn’t exist”. We are now planning our future together. I definitely never thought I would find love, let alone with a quality man who wants what I want.
Kelly, Finance, NYC, Age 38
I joined Emily’s program after my marriage of 13 years fell apart. Being 38 and divorced in NY was terrifying. But thanks to Emily’s wisdom, 38 and divorced turned out to be the best time of my life. Once I put her practices to the test in my life, I literally became a walking orgasm! Ha! Seriously though I had more hot men after me than I could handle. One rose to the top as the most aligned relationship of my life. Best investment in myself hands down.